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Jonas Richiardi

Jonas Richiardi, PhD

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Department of Radiology
Lausane University Hospital


June 2021: We are hiring for our HEARTMAGIC Sinergia project! One four-year postdoctoral position in graph-based imaging genetics of heart failure, and one four-year PhD position in machine learning for integrative heart failure patient subtyping. Two sister positions in cardiovascualar MR sequence development available, one Postdoc and one PhD.

Oct 2019: Congratulations to Veronica Ravano on receiving no fewer than three awards for her EPFL MSc thesis on machine learning for multiple sclerosis: Best Master thesis in Bioengineering, IBM Research prize in computational science, and Annaheim-Mattile prize from the Marguerite Foundation!

Mar 2019: The first Open Geneva BrainHack at campus Biotech was a lot of fun - more than 10 people joined us to try and improve dementia forecasting.

Oct 2018: A short writeup of the 4th Life In Numbers Conference on personalized health is available in Netzwoche

July 2018: We are hiring a PhD student and a summer intern at the Lausanne University Hospital. We'll be working on machine learning with large-scale databases of clinical MRI images and radiology reports. Get in touch for informal inquiries.

Feb 2018: Stefany Gardier did a nice and accesible writeup (in French) of our CHUV/Siemens workshop on predictive rediology for precision medicine.

Jan 2018: I have an open PhD position in machine learning for multimodal brain imaging. Joint supervision with the University of Fribourg. Feel free to ask me informally.

Sep 2016: Our special issue of the IEEE JSTSP on advanced signal processing in brain networks is available.

Jul 2015: Our Science paper has been recommended on Faculty of 1000.